The end of meddling?
Submitted by Bruno Prior on Tue, 08/06/2010 - 00:38Eric Pickles has announced that he will abandon plans to charge people for their use of waste collection services (the "bin tax"). He will use the "carrot" of rewarding people with vouchers for the volume of recyclable material they produce, rather than the "stick" of charging them for the amount of waste they produce.
Mr Pickles justified this announcement as part of an effort to end "meddling" laws. (The other example of "meddling" that he planned to scrap was allowing people to choose whether to apply for redevelopment of their land.)
The move was also justified because charging people for their use of waste-disposal services would result in more fly-tipping and "bin wars".
And it was argued that the move would save money, because of avoided landfill tax (directly) and thereby European fines (indirectly).
Meanwhile, David Cameron was today warning people how much worse the government finances are than he had expected (for which, read: as bad as he knew they were but didn't dare to tell people during the election).
And let's not forget the great theme of this government: decentralisation.
Let us count the number of ways this is wrong: