Picking Losers

Policy Announcements, Friday 23 February


  • The UK and US have held high level talks on the possibility of putting a "Son of Star Wars" anti-ballistic missile defence system on British soil. An article in The Economist claims Prime Minister Tony Blair has lobbied President George Bush for the system. But government sources have told the BBC that talks are "to keep Britain's options open", not a lobbying effort. The US said it is still more likely to site a missile defence system in eastern Europe than in the UK.
  • The Government announced £54.3m in capital funding to improve in-patient and residential drug and alcohol facilities and access to those services.

What's a Zebra crossing?

Is there anything more insignificant than a local non government department? Of course - it's the nonsense these jobsworths come out with. And the Kent Highway Services are no exception! If you've ever wondered what those black and white stripes that are painted across the road that pedestrians keep walking all over, making cars stop in their tracks are*, just consult the leaflet by Kent Highway Services explaining how light traffic works. It gives the reader knowledge nuggets such as inside information on why the grass is cut by the side of the road. This has costs £15,600 to the taxpayer. Have the Department for Transport and the Highway's Agency really got so much money that it feels that it can waste it on this sort of distribution of pointless information?

None for the price of two

We appear to have a Government in paralysis, two leaders - neither of whom are in control - a lame duck and an impending coronation of a new PM after an election pledge by Blair to serve a full term. The latest piece of ego building by Gordon Brown is his army of 11 special advisers and personal aides (despite the ministerial code explicitly saying "Cabinet Ministers may each appoint up to two special advisers."). Apparently they are there to help him formulate policy. All at the bargain price of £1m per year.

Review of the Papers, Friday 23 February


  • Standards are improving in Tony Blair's controversial city academies, but pupils are still not grasping the three Rs, Whitehall's spending watchdog warns. A National Audit Office report says the £5 billion programme is on track to deliver "good value for money" by transforming education in deprived inner-city areas. Results are improving at around four times the national average but remain persistently low in English and maths. In a blow to the Prime Minister, the report also criticises the programme for going millions of pounds over budget.

Policy Announcements, Thursday 22 February


  • The Treasury has announced that the Budget will be delivered on Wednesday March 21.
  • The Home Secretary announced a three-point plan following a gun crime summit at 10 Downing Street, chaired by the Prime Minister and attended by senior police officers, representatives from community groups and voluntary organisations.Tough punishments for those who use other people to look after weapons, improved technology for linking weapons to incidents and increased funding for community groups are key measures emerging from the three-point plan to tackle gun crime.

How to choose the right course of action

Anyone (other than the specialists who get paid to produce them, or pressure groups and politicians who use them to justify intervention in favour of their special interests) who has looked with a critical eye at the Cost-Benefit Analyses, Regulatory Impact Assessments, Environmental Impact Assessments, etc. that accompany voluminously any piece of consultation, legislation or regulation nowadays will know that they are incomprehensible, pseudo-scientific claptrap claiming to predict the unpredictable and usually in practice justifying the unjustifiable.

But surely, the counter-argument goes, it would be irresponsible of the government to proceed without trying its best to assess what might be the results of the policy it is considering. However inaccurate such assessments might be, they are better than no assessment.

I am currently reading The Foundations of Morality by Henry Hazlitt, author of the seminal Economics in One Lesson and, though not widely acknowledged by academia, one of the great thinkers of the twentieth century. I, like Hazlitt and his great mentor Ludwig von Mises, subscribe to the rule-utilitarian approach to moral philosophy. Whilst reading Hazlitt's book, it is becoming more apparent to me what a close connection exists between the alternative moral philosophies and the alternative methods (such as the above bureaucratic approach) by which legislation can be shaped and justified. In Jeremy Bentham's words (that strongly influenced Hazlitt's book), "Legislation is a circle with the same center as moral philosophy, but its circumference is smaller."

For those who believe in a god or gods, the question of morality is an easy one - right and wrong is simply what is specified in the texts. But with the weakening of the moral authority of the church that accompanied the Enlightenment, there was a need for an alternative basis for morality - a method for determining what is right and wrong without dependence on the word of a higher being. The solution developed by a series of great philosophers (most famously David Hume, Jeremy Bentham, and John Stuart Mill) became known by Mill's term: Utilitarianism. In the words of Bentham (with whom the concept is most closely associated): "Morality is the art of maximizing happiness: it gives the code of laws by which that conduct is suggested whose result will, the whole of human existence being taken into account, leave the greatest quantity of felicity."

The above quote, from the posthumous compilation Deontology, expresses a view that is characterised nowadays as rule-utilitarianism. In his earlier works, Bentham had appeared to promote an alternative form, known as act-utilitarianism: "that principle which approves or disapproves of every action whatsoever, according to the tendency which it appears to have to augment or diminish the happiness of the party whose interest is in question....I say of every action whatsoever; and therefore not only of every action of a private individual, but of every measure of government" (from his An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation). The difference is that act-utilitarianism attempts to judge the impact on total happiness of every action, whereas rule-utilitarianism specifies that the morality of actions should be judged by their conformance with general rules, whose merits have been calculated to promote the maximum happiness if followed by everyone.

Our politicians and civil servants certainly seem, in recent years, to have taken seriously Bentham's instructions to consider, for "every measure of government" the utility of the measures under consideration to "the party whose interest is in question", i.e. "if that party be the community in general, then the happiness of the community". And very worthy it sounds too. But there are problems with this approach, sufficiently intractable that few people would now promote pure act-utilitarianism as a sensible basis for action.

1. What is the measure of the happiness of the community? Happiness is experienced only by individuals, so the happiness of the community must be the sum of happiness of the members of the community. To calculate that sum requires an effective method of hedonistic (or felicific) calculus, which has escaped Bentham and his successors. If an action makes me happier and you less happy, how are we to decide whether the total change in happiness is positive or negative? We cannot even say that the change is positive if it increases the happiness of more people than it decreases. Murray Rothbard (emphatically not a utilitarian) gives the example of 99% of the population deciding to enslave the other 1%. This is the illusion underlying the King of Bhutan's Gross National Happiness index, and David Cameron's replacement of GDP with GWB (General Well-Being) as the guide to public policy. It tends towards governance in the interests of the majority, which can be a very dangerous thing.

2. Even if it were possible to calculate the impact of each action on the combined happiness of all those affected, one cannot live life this way. I should not decide whether to stop at a red light by trying to weigh the time-saving benefit of proceeding against the possible impacts of doing so. We have neither the time nor the ability to weigh all the impacts on all the people who may be affected by all the decisions we take. In most cases, we have to act according to general rules that, if followed, should lead to a good outcome in most instances. In other words, we are all rule-utilitarians, if only by force of necessity.

We know the importance of general rules for our own actions. But modern government, full of the arrogance of power, believes itself not to be subject to these limitations. No longer do we draw up legislation according to the good judgment of intelligent people, following general rules that can be shown to maximise the welfare of society.

Modern government forgets about general principles and instead tries to weigh the consequences of every piece of legislation and regulation for every party affected by the measure under consideration. That is what CBAs, RIAs and EIAs (not to mention focus groups and polls) are for. It is an impossible task. But while they continue to try, our legislation becomes ever more complex, contradictory, unprincipled and counterproductive.

The first step in improving the quality of our legislation (not to mention saving money on the legions of consultants who prepare these useless pieces of paper) must be to scrap the CBAs and go back to governing and legislating according to principle. This will not only improve the legislation, but also restore the battle of ideas to the centre of political discussion. The debates can return to the question of which principles are best to maximise the welfare of society, not who can best micro-manage the economy. That cannot but help alleviate the public disengagement with the political process.

Incompetence, ineptitude and screwing the taxpayer

Gordon Brown has bailed out Mr Money-waster himself, David Miliband. More than £300m worth of taxpayers’ money has been used to compensate for another Government IT cock up – this time a computer system that failed to pay thousands of farmers subsidies that had been paid to the government by the European Community. The Government sat on this money for six months before finally paying it out, but in classically incompetent style missed the deadline for claiming the money back from the EU.

But don’t worry; the Treasury has said that “the money allocated was an estimate of the cash the ministry might have to pay if it is "fined" by the EU for not making the payments on time”. So what? It’s still £300m worth of taxpayers’ money that wouldn’t have been spent if you had your house in order. Richard Bacon MP sums it up rather well - "The sheer incompetence and ineptitude of this government in handling [the matter] has now been compounded by them screwing the taxpayer as well."

You don't want to do it like that, you want to do it like this.

David “Dave” Cameron (the most socially responsible man in the UK) has just dipped his hand back in to his policy lucky dip tombola and come out with a real cracker. Today he is expected to outline (does he ever do more than outline?) policy designed to ‘encourage’ more couples to get married and stay together. This will include premarital counselling and relationship classes.

Review of the Papers, Thursday 22 February


  • Britain's scientific research budget is to be cut by almost £100 million to pay for overspending by the Department of Trade and Industry. Despite repeated claims by Tony Blair and Gordon Brown that science is the key to the country's economic future, ministers have diverted £98 million from planned spending to cover the collapse of Rover and other unexpected costs at the DTI. The cuts will affect medical research, which must find £10.7 million in savings, as well as the funding body that supports global warming research, which will be £9.7 million poorer.

Policy Announcements, Wednesday 21 February

  • The Chief Pharmaceutical Officers from England, Scotland and Wales came together today to reveal plans for historic changes to the regulation of the pharmacy profession. The measures, which form part of the Government White Paper on professional regulation, will see the formation of two separate bodies to oversee pharmacy. One organisation would act as a regulator and a second would be responsible for leading the profession. It is envisaged that the two new bodies will take the form of a General Pharmaceutical Council (GPC) to regulate the profession and a Royal College to provide leadership.
  • The Government today published landmark proposals on how to regulate health professionals and ensure patient safety in the UK. As part of this, all health professionals will be required to prove their fitness to practice every 5 years and there are plans for a radical overhaul of the processes for death certification.  
  • Gordon Brown has been urged to put the voluntary sector "at the heart of his new agenda" if he becomes Labour leader. The National Council for Voluntary Organisations said the chancellor should make charities a top priority for his first 100 days in power. The organisation said that priorities should be securing sustainable funding and ensuring government accountability to the sector through parliament.


An interesting fact

Well, to me anyway....

In 2004, Ukraine was the fifth-largest importer of natural gas in the world. Belarus was the tenth-largest. In 2005, Belarus had dropped out of the top-10, not because it had reduced its consumption (net imports had increased), but because some countries, like the Netherlands, had increased their import requirements more dramatically. Ukraine remained fifth, and had increased its imports of gas by nearly 15%. Together, they absorbed nearly 40% of Russia's exports, and nearly 10% of all the exports of gas in the world.

Ukraine has the 25th largest population in the world. Belarus has the 81st.

Ukraine's economy is the 53rd largest in the world, Belarus's is the 69th (according to the IMF).

In terms of GDP per capita (a reasonable measure of relative prosperity), Belarus ranks 110, Ukraine 120.

How do these countries afford to import so much gas? Are they using it productively?

We should be concerned about Russia using its energy resources to apply political leverage. But with regard to the former Soviet Bloc, is it possible that President Putin has a point when he claims that gas to his neighbours is underpriced?

Another £21.4bn to waste

To coincide with Gordon Brown’s birthday last month, the prudent, iron chancellor made a surplus of £21.4bn thanks in part to a surge in income tax from record City bonuses.  I can only imagine what he is planning to spend it on, but I’m sure he knows full well.  With the incredible amount of money we are paying in taxes each month at the moment along with the seemingly endless list of stealth taxes we have to put up with, coupled with the waste this government is synonymous with how can he have a surplus of £21.4bn in one month.  Surely he does not need to be collecting so many taxes? 

Review of the Papers, Wednesday 21 February


  • The government agency created to seize the assets of criminals is condemned today as a mess, having spent £65 million on collecting only £23 million. The Assets Recovery Agency has received 700 files linked to £274 million. But it has seized money from only 52 of these cases, according to a report by the spending watchdog. Millions of pounds paid in fees to receivers to manage criminal assets are expected in 12 cases to be more than the cash and assets being looked after. The National Audit Office report also found that the agency, which is to be merged with the Serious Organised Crime Agency, has no effective case-management system and had experienced high turnover of staff. A third of the financial investigators trained by the agency either retired or left soon after qualifying. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/article1415210.ece
  • All British troops will be pulled out of Iraq by the end of 2008, starting with the withdrawal of 1,000 in the early summer. Tony Blair is to announce the moves - the result of months of intense debate in Whitehall - within 24 hours, possibly later today, according to officials. The prime minister is expected to say that Britain intends to gradually reduce the number of troops in southern Iraq over the next 22 months as Iraqi forces take on more responsibility for the security of Basra and the surrounding areas. http://politics.guardian.co.uk/iraq/story/0,,2017824,00.html
  • The Home Office has started to pay out compensation - some £55,000 in nine cases so far - to foreign national prisoners who have been held beyond the end of their sentence while deportation was considered, it was disclosed yesterday. The director-general of the immigration and nationality directorate, Lin Homer, told MPs that nine months after the foreign national prisoner crisis cost Charles Clarke his job only 163 of the 1,013 inmates freed without being considered for deportation had left the UK. http://www.guardian.co.uk/guardianpolitics/story/0,,2017692,00.html
  • Gordon Brown enjoyed a record cash surplus on the public finances last month as surging income tax receipts outweighed a fall in corporation tax revenues, official statistics show. The last public finance data before the budget next month show there was a net cash surplus of £21.4bn last month after a surge in income tax from record City bonuses. http://business.guardian.co.uk/story/0,,2017635,00.html
  • The future of Britain's biggest charities is being put at risk by their growing dependence on poorly-funded contracts to deliver public services, the chair of the Charity Commission will warn today. Dame Suzi Leather's stark assessment comes after a survey revealed that fewer than one in eight charities running services was confident it was being paid enough to cover its costs. An "all-party love-in" between the voluntary sector and politicians who see the sector as offering a more effective and user-friendly way of delivering public services is also threatening charities' independence, she will say. http://www.guardian.co.uk/frontpage/story/0,,2017834,00.html
  • A winter squeeze on NHS services across England will be enough to pull the health service out of financial deficit by the end of March, forecasts from the Department of Health indicated yesterday. They showed 132 NHS trusts are heading to overspend by £1,318m in 2006-07 - slightly more than the overspend that played havoc with NHS finances last year. But this time the deficits of the overspenders will be cancelled out by underspending in other parts of the NHS. http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,,2017698,00.html
  • Half-price bus and tram passes for Londoners on income support are to be financed by an oil deal with a Latin American socialist state. Ken Livingstone, the Mayor of London, signed a deal with a Venezuelan oil company yesterday for cheap fuel for the capital’s 8,000 buses. In return, his officials will advise on street cleaning and other services. Mr Livingstone said that he would use the discount, worth £16 million a year, to give 250,000 people Oyster smart-cards allowing half-price journeys from July. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article1415355.ece
  • Higher earners should live alongside poorer households to achieve a better mix in housing, a Government-commissioned report said yesterday. Prof John Hills said housing policy should be changed to avoid having "rich people on one side and poorer people on the other side of the tracks". In a report to Ruth Kelly, the Communities Secretary, he suggested that the complete redevelopment of estates might sometimes be "the only alternative".He also called for social landlords to buy housing in other areas and for vacant land on traditional council estates to be used to build private homes. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?l=/news/2007/02/21/nestates21.xml
  • Rogue agencies that prey on would-be models are facing a crackdown under new rules to prevent them from making millions of pounds from empty promises of celebrity. Enticed by the Big Brother culture of instant fame, thousands of women every year are falling victim to a burgeoning industry in hotel-based casting sessions and websites offering photo shoots for aspiring models. http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/health_medical/article2290048.ece


Policy Announcements, Tuesday 20 February

  • The Economic Secretary to the Treasury, Ed Balls MP, brought representatives from the European Commission together with leading representatives of London's financial sector, while also announcing the implementation of tax measures to boost the competitiveness of the City of London. The measures announced will modernise the tax system to remove obstacles to competition and expand choice in trading financial instruments in the UK. They will allow firms to benefit from the new opportunities offered by liberalisation of financial regulation in the European Union, and specifically from the introduction of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID).

The pharmaceutical price fixing scheme

The Office of Fair Trading is expected to expose the extents to which the NHS will go to waste money. Incredibly, the Department of Health has been cosying up to the big pharmaceutical companies and paying well over the odds for drugs with our money! Why is this not plastered all over the front pages??

The scam basically revolves around the PPRS (pharmaceutical price regulation scheme) that prevents drug companies from making excessive profits from the NHS, by effectively capping them. However, within that profit margin, any new drugs can be charged out at as much as they want. This has been quoted in the Guardian as high as £40k per patient per year for some new drugs. So what does a company do if it’s going to make a load of cash from a new drug? It passes its rights to older drugs to other companies who haven’t reached their cap yet. This is costing us millions each year. Yet another reason why the NHS is in serious need of reform.

Review of the Papers, Tuesday 20 February

  • Gordon Brown is failing to persuade the public that he would make a better prime minister than David Cameron, according to a Guardian/ICM poll published today which suggests the Conservatives could win a working majority at the next general election. Voters give the Tories a clear 13-point lead when asked which party they would back in a likely contest between Mr Brown, Mr Cameron and Sir Menzies Campbell. The result would give the party 42% of the vote against Labour on 29%. http://politics.guardian.co.uk/labour/story/0,,2016791,00.html
  • A secretive price-fixing scheme operated between the Department of Health and the major pharmaceutical companies has resulted in the NHS spending many millions of pounds more than it should have for drugs, the Office of Fair Trading is expected to say.

Policy Announcements, Monday 19 February

  • Jack Straw has abandoned controversial plans to use a preferential voting system for deciding on the future of the House of Lords. MPs will instead use the traditional 'ayes and noes' method of voting to decide the upper chamber's composition. The leader of the Commons said he was responding to criticism from MPs after publication of his white paper on Lords reform earlier this month.
  • Cancelling plans for ID cards would render Britain "defenceless in the war against illegal immigrants", according to Home Office minister Liam Byrne. Speaking at Home Office questions in the Commons, Byrne told MPs that 70 per cent of the cost of introducing the ID card system would have to be spent on new biometric passports. He dismissed suggestions that the scheme - intended to combat illegal immigration, identity fraud, organised crime and terrorism - could be scrapped in its entirety.
  • The government has come under fresh pressure to scrap the ban on the intelligence services tapping MPs' phones. The annual report of the independent interception of communications commissioner published on Monday called for the 'Wilson doctrine' to be abolished. Named after former prime minister Harold Wilson, the doctrine exempts MPs and peers from the security services' reach. But Sir Swinton Thomas said it placed parliamentarians "above the law".
  • Thirteen local health areas today pledged to meet the government's 18 week treatment target a full year before the rest of the NHS. The government has said that by the end of 2008, patients can expect a maximum wait of 18 weeks from referral to the start of treatment. Eighteen weeks is the maximum but many patients will be treated more quickly, most in approximately seven weeks. In the past it was not uncommon for people to wait over 2 years for an operation, now no-one waits longer than six months and the average wait for inpatient treatment is around eight weeks.
  • A draft guide was published today to help planners better understand how planning policy should be used to manage flood risk, as climate change continues to impact on traditional weather patterns. The 'living draft' of a Practice Guide Companion to Planning Policy Statement 25 (PPS25) will act as a consultation document as well as an interim support document for planners on applying PPS25 policy and seeks to help create consistency in how PPS25 is implemented across the country.
  • A wind farm with the power to supply clean electricity to over 415,000 homes, more than all the demand in Suffolk, will be confirmed by Alistair Darling, Secretary of State for Trade and Industry. The Greater Gabbard (GG) scheme supplying 500MW through 140-turbines will cut CO2 emissions by 1.5m tonnes a year - the equivalent of taking 350,000 cars off the road. The project is being developed by the companies Airtricity and Fluor. It will be placed close to two shallow sandbanks - the Inner Gabbard and the Galloper - around 23km (12 miles) from the Suffolk coast. The sites will occupy an area of nearly 150 square kilometres within the outer Thames Estuary strategic wind farm area.
  • A landmark minimum wage ruling handed down by the Court of Appeal on Friday means thousands of Butlins' and Haven Holidays' staff will share up to £1million in pay arrears. HM Revenue & Customs took enforcement action against Leisure Employment Services, which owns Butlins and Haven Holidays, over deductions taken from employees' wages to cover utility bills. The deduction of £6 per fortnight from staff living onsite meant pay fell below the national minimum wage. The case began at Employment Tribunal in 2005.
  • The culture secretary is to meet the Conservative leader in a bid to shore up cross-party support for the London Olympics. Tessa Jowell will hold talks with David Cameron on Thursday after the two fell out over the escalating cost of staging the event. The meeting follows a row over Conservative plans to set up a committee of experts to monitor progress in the lead-up to the 2012 Games.
  • Good views, nearby shops and "peace and quiet" have all been used to calculate how much council tax homes should be liable for, the Tories have complained.  Details of the criteria were contained in an internal Government handbook related to a revaluation of properties in Wales, which has obtained by the party.  Spokeswoman Caroline Spelman warned they could be applied to houses elsewhere in the UK, creating a "punishing and cynical tax on people's quality of life".
  • Senior civil servants employed at the Department of Health do not believe the ministry is well managed, according to figures uncovered by the Conservatives. With more than five of every six of the Department's top officials giving the thumbs down to the way the Labour government is running the health service, Shadow Health Secretary Andrew Lansley declared: "This is a vote of no confidence in Patricia Hewitt's leadership from the people who work closely with her and so experience her incompetence at first hand."