Still no official word on what the Ministers for the regions are actually meant to do. Bgprior has had a stab at it here - how very cynical. And probably right. They will just be another layer of government to shift the blame around so no-one really knows who is in charge or responsible. Other speculation, from Iain Dale’s site, has been that they will be regional propaganda officers.
But the most interesting thing about these appointments so far is that of Tessa Jowell. Not only is she Minister for London (but not the South East? Can someone clear this up - is the South East the only region without a Minister?!). She is also Minister for the Olympics. It has just been confirmed that this role will report directly into the Prime Minister. What ever for? Surely this is a junior role that should report in the Department for Media, Culture & Sport? It hasn't got something to do with James Purnell's appointment at the top of DCMS, has it? Only two years ago Tessa Jowell was Purnell's boss. Oh how the tables have turned. Has she caused a stink or is Gordon trying to avoid his first cabinet confrontation? Surely Brown's time could be better spent than having yet another minister reporting in to him? Oh the logic of government - how very efficient and effective.