International disinterestedness

What do the following have in common?

  • The top 16 in the Eurovision Song Contest consist of 14 former communist-block countries, plus Greece and Turkey. As usual, regional block-voting dominated the outcome.
  • Zimbabwe was elected to head the UN's Commission on Sustainable Development, thanks to the African block choosing to put African solidarity and contempt for the first-world ahead of responsibility.
  • Every member of the EU except Britain defrauds the first phase of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme by overestimating their potential emissions and setting themselves targets that are so easy to meet that they can profit from excess emissions rights without having to make serious efforts to reduce emissions. The value of carbon in EU-ETS collapses as a consequence, and no significant reductions of emissions are attributable to the first phase.
  • Concerted action on Darfur is undermined by the self-interest of countries like China, India and Malaysia.
  • Concerted action on Iran's nuclear programme is undermined by Russian self-interest.
  • Russia is trying to put together a gas cartel along the lines of OPEC, in order to control the price of gas to its mainly Western customers.
  • Progress on reform of agricultural support and protectionism at the WTO is hampered by regional blocks trying to maximise their advantage. Rich countries like France are quite prepared to sabotage the process in order to protect the profits of the 3% of their population now engaged in farming. Their old, supposedly right-wing government has refused to countenance any reduction of support under the EU Common Agricultural Policy. Their new, supposedly right-wing president has called for Europe to be more protectionist.

But all the same, Britain and America ought not to act without international consensus, and are in breach of international law for failing to achieve that consensus. Because we can always rely on our international partners to act in a fair and distinterested manner. And the problems of bad governance around the world are all the fault of us capitalist imperialists.

To the many in the West who now speak in tones of moral indignation about the failure to get agreement at the UN before the removal of Saddam, not to mention the many other failures to get effective international action, I say grow up, you naive, equivocal, self-righteous prigs.



Here is another example, from today's Guardian. Germany wants the EU to lift or ease sanctions on Uzbekistan, imposed after the Andijan massacre, despite the fact that the Uzbek government has made no concessions to Europe on the question of governance and its human rights abuses. Germany retains the only military base in Uzbekistan. I am sure the German government has only the interests of the Uzbek people at heart.

Also relevant was the deal that Russia, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan did last Friday to route all of Turkmenistan's gas through Russia. America, Europe and China were trying to persuade the Turkmen government to open up new pipelines that would provide alternative routes for export of the gas. Normally, it would be in the interests of a producer to ensure that they had more than one outlet, to keep margins down on distribution, unless the monopoly distributor promised to use their monopoly powers to squeeze more out of their customers. I wonder what the Russians, Kazakhs and Turkmen have in mind with this deal?