What are they so worried about?

Picking Losers usually focuses on the British Government's failed attempts to introduce policy to make our lives safer, fairer and better - the consequences almost always being that they create more problems than they solve and blow a whole load of tax payers' cash in the process.  Why do governments feel that they have to intervene at every given opportunity in every area of life?  While Britain is bad in this area and becoming more so over time with an incredibly busy executive and legislature and an ever expanding public sector with an economy based on high tax, high spend, things are always worse elsewhere...

Take China.  They are rapidly moving into the premier league of economic powers, yet their human rights and liberties leave a lot to be desired.  The internet, probably the most powerful example of freedom mankind has ever invented, is still largely free in this country for all to use as they wish.  In China they are heavily monitored.  The latest idea is to have cartoon police officers that appear in "pop-up" warnings on the internet every half hour to warn users that they must steer clear of unapproved websites.  The coppers may look friendly and cheery, but this is shocking example of a big brother-esque society where paranoia and fear rule.  The reason the Chinese authorities have introduced this measure is to ensure there are no disruptions to "social stability".  Creepy stuff.

At least things haven't got that bad this country... yet.  Though China has also just announced that it will be banning tobacco advertising by 2011.  You better keep up chaps if you want to hold the crown as the least free nation in economically developed world.
