Last week's poll asked whether the £20 marriage tax credit that the Tories have been floating as an idea is a pointless money waster, so little as to be an insult to the institution of marriage or a good, effective promotion of marriage. 44% of you felt it was an insult. 31%, rather surprisingly I thought, felt it was a good and effective promotion of marriage. I would have liked to have seen in the comments why you felt this way. 24% felt that the whole thing was a smokescreen and that problems of society have nothing to do with the decline of marriage.
This week's poll is about cannabis. Last week and over the weekend eight Labour ministers all decided to come out and say they had smoked cannabis at university. Of course, none of them liked it and only did it the once (or twice). It does strike me as a little odd that they all came out at the same time in these post-spin Brownite days. There is one clear agenda here (possibly two). The first is Brown wanting to reclassify cannabis as a class B drug. I suspect he wanted to get out now any "conflicts of interest" early so that the hysteria dies down before the government's latest u-turn. It also got people talking about David "Dave" Cameron and his refusal to answer the question - for fear it will lead on to the harder stuff, so to speak. The days of neo-spin are well and truly upon us. Why it was reclassified in the first place I have no idea - all it did was confuse the law. But we are where we are - is there any point re-classifying it now?
So this week's poll asks whether cannabis should be reclassified to a class B drug, kept as a class C drug or should we accept the individual's choice to mess themselves up and legalise it? A tough question for a libertarian.