In less than two weeks the English smoking ban will come in to force. Anyone who lights up in an enclosed public space will likely to be jumped on by a health and safety "officer" and fined £50. I am a little torn by this policy - on the one hand those who wish to be free of smoke can have it forced on them in pubs, but on the other hand who is the government to tell us whether we can smoke or not? If there was a demand to ban smoking, wouldn't the pubs already have banned it themselves? I fear it is a little draconian. Most places of work have banned it without the need of legislation, so why the pubs? I do understand, however that for the majority of people who do not smoke it will be a glorious day for them when they come home at night and do not smell like they have been smouldering in an ash tray all night. However, the Health & Safety goons at Liverpool city council are taking it a little too far for my liking...
They are requesting that residents do not smoke at least half an hour before a visit by staff and to open windows and not light up during a home visit. Mind your own business! This really is just a step closer to local government having total control over our lives, even in our own homes. It is pathetic, they milking the situation for all it is worth, saying they have a duty to protect their staff. I am so sure that in years to come it will be possible, as a guest, to sue someone for smoking in their own home. Let people go about their lives in their own homes at least!