It may just be happy coincidence for Gordon Brown, but it does appear that the Government are shifting out a whole load of bad news before he comes to power and while Blair is off on his farewell tour of the world. There have been four stories in particular that Picking Losers has been following that have climaxed in the past few weeks, all are perfect example of the government picking losers - trying to solve a problem that either isn't there in the first place or go about the solution in completely the wrong manner. This week's poll asks which of these disastrous pieces of policy is the worst..?
HIPs - the slow motion car crash that has cost house sellers money, superficially increased the cost of the housing market, is delayed in implementation and will not even solve so called the problem it was originally meant to.
Chip & Bin / Fortnightly collections - against all public opinion, local councils want to do half the work they used to do and we will be charged more for the privilege.
NHS online recruitment system - MTAS has cost millions of pounds, cost thousands of jobs, leaked personal, private information for all to see and achieved absolutely nothing positive whatsoever.
MP exemption from the Freedom ofInformation Act 2000 - what makes our MPs so special they think they are above the law, when the rest of us are bound it? It stinks of a cover up and closed government.